The Diekevers family, (Kevin, Carmen and their four children) had the privilege to serve families at a camp similar to Starlite Shores Family Camp during Spring Break of 2012. It was a complete week of serving a family that had a 7 year old with cancer. It was a blessing to see this family laugh together, have fun and to share their story of how they have courageously walked their family’s cancer journey. We are certain that they left the retreat with a renewed sense of hope and with the knowledge that they do not walk this journey alone. The experience truly changed our family and we are so thankful that we have had these amazing opportunities to volunteer. We know that God has called us to serve Him and use our gifts to bless families walking a difficult journey. Our whole family continues to be involved at camp and looks forward with so much excitement to serving these special families.
With the help of family, friends, our church, the community, sponsors and many donations our dream of bringing a camp for children living with cancer and their families to Michigan is a reality. The involvement of these loving and caring people will make this a week that will be full of laughter and many special memories. We strongly feel that families who attend Starlite Shores Family Camp will go home relaxed, renewed, and restored (and maybe a little tired).